Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Treasure Hunt

So my Treasure Hunt series has been listed for a little over a week now (along with the other boxes I planted for PAL 2010 - 20 in all, w00t!), and people are started to find the keys.

I had a lot of fun planting this series, because it's more than just the same old, same old. There's process, and it requires thought. :-) My hope is to inspire some of the other folks in this area to follow suit, coming up with new and innovative ideas for their plants. (Of course, I also hope to inspire folks in this area to get back into planting, period! There was only 1 other box planted in WNY besides mine on PAL day...) :-(

How long, I wonder, before I start getting AQmail requests for hints on the final box???

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Spring! (I think...)

It's certainly beginning to feel like spring, and last Friday I took advantage of the sunny, yet cool, afternoon to do a little bit of boxing after work. :-)

Clues in hand, I headed back out to the Lancaster area, in hopes of finishing 2 series of boxes that I'd started last year, but been unable to complete for various reasons. Except for a couple of dog walkers, I had the park to myself, which was wonderful! In short order, I was able to find 3 boxes along one trail to complete one series entirely - yay!

The other series, not quite so much luck. I found 2 of the 3 I sought, and I'm virtually certain the third was missing. :-(

Boxes found, and a couple of my own planted, I left the park, chilled but happy. I've done some boxing this winter, but pretty much only at events, so being back out on the trail, by myself, felt like a treat! I spent the rest of the weekend indoors, but this coming week is looking excellent weather-wise, so hopefully I'll be able to get out again real soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Beginning...

Okay, so I'm giving blogging a new try! (Let's see if I can stick with it this time!) ;-)

What will you find here?

  • Recaps of my letterboxing adventures (of course!)
  • Clues (if you know when/where to look...)
  • Pix of my LTC's
  • Whatever else amuses me to post!
Hope you like it! :-)
