Monday, July 25, 2011

Catching Up is Hard to Do...

Wow!! It's been a long time since I posted here! Gonna work to fix that...

What have I been up to lately? Well, lots of finding, a little bit of planting, and fun summer events! A couple of weeks ago, CQ and I attended the Grateful Letterboxers' Terrapin Station event in Andover, Mass. (also known as the boxing capital of the world, I think!) Next month brings another road trip with CQ (and GodMommy & Buffalo PHISHerman, too!) to Maine for the Maine Camping event. I can't wait!! :-) Anyone who knows me, knows that Maine is my favourite state of the Union, bar none. And now I'll get to show it off. AND box my brains out. Life is good...

Then when I come back, it's a quick swing back into high gear for the 9th Annual WNY event!

Summer's halfway over, but the boxing's just begun! :-)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Treasure Hunt

So my Treasure Hunt series has been listed for a little over a week now (along with the other boxes I planted for PAL 2010 - 20 in all, w00t!), and people are started to find the keys.

I had a lot of fun planting this series, because it's more than just the same old, same old. There's process, and it requires thought. :-) My hope is to inspire some of the other folks in this area to follow suit, coming up with new and innovative ideas for their plants. (Of course, I also hope to inspire folks in this area to get back into planting, period! There was only 1 other box planted in WNY besides mine on PAL day...) :-(

How long, I wonder, before I start getting AQmail requests for hints on the final box???

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Spring! (I think...)

It's certainly beginning to feel like spring, and last Friday I took advantage of the sunny, yet cool, afternoon to do a little bit of boxing after work. :-)

Clues in hand, I headed back out to the Lancaster area, in hopes of finishing 2 series of boxes that I'd started last year, but been unable to complete for various reasons. Except for a couple of dog walkers, I had the park to myself, which was wonderful! In short order, I was able to find 3 boxes along one trail to complete one series entirely - yay!

The other series, not quite so much luck. I found 2 of the 3 I sought, and I'm virtually certain the third was missing. :-(

Boxes found, and a couple of my own planted, I left the park, chilled but happy. I've done some boxing this winter, but pretty much only at events, so being back out on the trail, by myself, felt like a treat! I spent the rest of the weekend indoors, but this coming week is looking excellent weather-wise, so hopefully I'll be able to get out again real soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Beginning...

Okay, so I'm giving blogging a new try! (Let's see if I can stick with it this time!) ;-)

What will you find here?

  • Recaps of my letterboxing adventures (of course!)
  • Clues (if you know when/where to look...)
  • Pix of my LTC's
  • Whatever else amuses me to post!
Hope you like it! :-)
